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Teeth Bonding

Teeth bonding is a process in which an enamel-like material is applied to a tooth’s surface, sculpted to an ideal shape, hardened, and then polished for an ideal smile. This procedure usually can be accomplished in a single visit.

An Easy Way to Restore Chipping or Breaking Teeth

Your teeth are naturally strong and will help you chew, talk, and smile for most or all of your life — but minor cracks, chips, and breaks may also occur. Imperfections like these and others may not affect the functionality of your teeth, but they can have a major impact on the appearance of your smile. Tooth bonding is a procedure that can repair minor damage or discoloration to your teeth in a single visit, giving you long-lasting and natural-looking results.

Learn More About Tooth Bonding in Superior

Teeth bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure designed to repair chipped teeth and other dental imperfections or defects. During bonding, an enamel-like material is applied to a tooth’s surface, sculpted to look like part of your natural tooth, then hardened and polished. Finally, the tooth-colored bonding material is mixed to match your natural teeth, giving you a flawless smile.

You may benefit from bonding if your teeth are chipped, cracked, misaligned, slightly gapped, or stained — though not every patient will be a good candidate for dental bonding. Likewise, bonding may not be the best solution if your teeth are decayed or have large gaps between them. But for patients with minor teeth imperfections due to chewing on ice or other instances of wear and tear, or patients wishing to have discolorations in their teeth whitened, bonding is a fairly quick and painless procedure with no post-appointment downtime.

Tooth bonding is an especially good solution for patients with imperfections in their front teeth. Bonding can also increase the size of a tooth — for example, when you have a tooth that’s shorter than the rest, and you want them all to be the same length. And bonding can protect a portion of a tooth root exposed when gums recede.

Dental bonding is a much simpler and less expensive way to repair imperfections and minor damage, such as a partially broken tooth, than using dental veneers and crowns. Teeth bonding usually takes just 30 to 60 minutes per tooth to complete. In addition, bonding often doesn’t require anesthesia, patients don’t feel pain during the procedure, and results last for several years with proper care.

Bonding is also low-maintenance: simply follow the usual dental hygiene routine you would with your natural teeth — brush at least twice a day and floss at least once. In addition, we encourage all patients to visit their dentist twice a year to check their dental bonding and maintain good oral hygiene.

During the bonding application procedure, your dentist will first use a shade guide to select a composite resin color to match your natural teeth. Next, your dentist will prepare your tooth by coating the surface with a special adhesive. The composite resin is then applied to your tooth and allowed to harden. Your dentist will carefully sculpt the composite resin to the perfect shape. Once the shape has been formed, we will use a medical-grade UV light source to dry the material and will complete the bonding process by polishing the tooth. Finally, your dentist will inspect your teeth to ensure that you’re happy with your new smile.

Request A New Patient Appointment

If you have imperfections in your teeth and would like to learn if you’d be a good candidate for dental bonding, contact us today for advice, diagnosis, or treatment. A restored smile and a boost in confidence can be just an appointment away!